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For competitive gamers, keyboard latency can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Even small differences in input lag – the time it takes for a keypress to register on screen – can affect gameplay. When fractions of a second count, you need a keyboard that offers the lowest possible latency.

That’s where Wooting keyboards come in. These innovative Dutch keyboards use fluid analog technology that enables smoother, faster key presses. But exactly how fast are they? And how can you accurately test keyboard latency to find the best option for competitive play?

This guide will cover everything you need to know about measuring Wooting keyboard latency. You’ll learn:

  • Why keyboard latency matters for gaming
  • How input lag testers work
  • Software tools for testing latency
  • Techniques for perceiving latency differences
  • Factors that affect Wooting latency
  • Tips for choosing the right Wooting keyboard

Plus, you’ll get a better understanding of how to optimize any keyboard’s performance. A blazing fast keyboard gives you an edge – read on to boost your input speed.

Why Does Keyboard Latency Matter for Gaming?

In competitive gaming, every millisecond matters. Fast reflexes and rapid actions can determine who comes out on top. That’s why pro gamers obsess over hardware that offers the fastest, most responsive experience.

Keyboard latency refers to the time between when you press a key and when that input registers on screen. High latency means a noticeable lag between your keypress and the game recognizing your input. That delay can throw off your timing and reactions, even if it’s just a few milliseconds.

To perform optimally, you need to eliminate any lag between your physical actions and what happens in-game. Research suggests that humans can perceive a difference of as little as 2-3 ms of latency. Top-level gameplay demands the lowest latency possible.

Wooting keyboards are designed specifically with gaming in mind. Their analog technology allows for shorter travel distance on keypresses, enabling faster actuation. But you’ll want hard numbers – that’s where keyboard latency testing comes in.

Using Input Lag Testers

One of the most accurate ways to measure keyboard latency is with an input lag testing device. These dedicated tools are designed to quantify input lag in milliseconds.

Input lag testers work by using a light sensor to detect when a key is pressed, then timing how long it takes for that input to appear on screen. The time difference between the keypress and on-screen registration is the input lag.

Here are some popular input lag testers used by gamers:

Human Benchmark Response Time Test

This free online test from Human Benchmark measures your response time in milliseconds. It’s not a direct measurement of keyboard latency, but can give you a sense of total system lag.

To test, you’ll press your keyboard’s spacebar as soon as you see the screen turn green. Your response time score reflects how long it took you to react and register the keypress. Faster times indicate lower latency.

Leo Bodnar Input Lag Tester

Considered the gold standard, the Leo Bodnar is a portable USB device designed solely for input lag testing. It’s pricy but extremely accurate, measuring lag with a resolution of 1 μs (microsecond).

To use, you connect the device between your keyboard and computer. Then, activate the test and press a key as soon as the LED light comes on. The Leo Bodnar displays your exact latency measurement in microseconds.

SM Pro Audio Reaction Time Tester

At under $100, this is an affordable hardware-based input lag testing tool. It works similarly to the Leo Bodnar, with a light sensor and precision timer that detects the delay between physical keypress and on-screen registration.

Testing Latency With Software Tools

If you don’t want to invest in specialty hardware, don’t worry. You can still test keyboard latency using software-based methods.

Here are some options for measuring input lag with software tools:

Keyboard Ghosting Test

This online test checks a keyboard’s ghosting effects, which occur when too many simultaneous key presses are missed. While not a direct measurement of latency, it can reveal if a keyboard suffers from lag in processing complex input.

Slow Motion Camera App

Apps like Slow Motion Video FX let you film keyboard input at extremely high frame rates. Play back the slowed-down video and check for differences between when a key is pressed versus when it registers on screen.

Game Benchmarks

Many games have built-in benchmarks that test in-game performance. Run the benchmark with your Wooting keyboard, then switch and test again with another keyboard. Compare scores – higher and more consistent scores indicate lower latency.


This Windows program checks overall system latency by tracking interruptions and delays. After using LatencyMon during gameplay, inspect the logged results. Look for high DPC latency readings which point to lags.

Perceiving Latency Differences by Feel

For many gamers, subjective feel is just as important as hard numbers. Due to extensive gameplay experience, some gamers develop heightened sensitivity to even minute amounts of input lag.

If you fall into this camp, your own hands-on testing may be just as telling as quantitative measurements. Here are tips for sensing differences in keyboard latency while gaming:

  • Focus on timing-critical games where split-second reactions matter, like fighting or rhythm games. Repeat segments where lag would be most impactful.
  • Alternate between your Wooting keyboard and another keyboard while playing the same games. Pay attention to differences in feel and responsiveness.
  • During fast sequences like double taps or combo moves, listen and feel for variations in rhythm and pacing. Irregular beats can indicate latency issues.
  • Notice any delays between keypresses and audio-visual feedback. Disruptions in visual continuity or feedback timing can point to lag.

The more familiar you are with a game, the more attuned your senses will be to subtle lag. Trust your hands and instincts when evaluating keyboard latency.

Factors That Influence Wooting Keyboard Latency

When optimizing your Wooting for low latency gaming, there are several factors to keep in mind:

Switch Type

Wooting offers keyboards with both optical and mechanical Flaretech switches. Optical switches register input through light beams, avoiding physical contact bounce. This enables a marginally faster response, reducing latency by roughly 0.2 ms.

Polling Rate

This setting determines how frequently the keyboard checks for new inputs. At lower polling rates, you may experience higher input lag. Wooting enables poll rates up to 8000 Hz for minimizing latency.

Debounce Settings

Debounce defines the wait time to avoid switch bounce on key presses. Too much debounce can create lag – Wooting allows customizing this in your keyboard’s software.

Report Rate

Also set in software, report rate affects how often keyboard input is sent to your PC. Like polling rate, a higher report rate yields lower latency. Wooting keyboards can reach up to 8000 Hz.

USB Mode

Wooting keyboards support both wired and wireless modes. For the lowest latency, wired USB mode is ideal. Wireless will have slightly higher input lag.

By tweaking these settings, you can optimize your specific Wooting model for your chosen games and setup. Prioritize speed-boosting settings like higher polling rates to reduce latency.

Choosing the Right Wooting Keyboard for Gaming

When selecting a Wooting keyboard for competitive gaming, keep these factors in mind:


Compact keyboards like 60% models allow positioning your mouse closer for quicker movements. Consider your available space – you may opt for tenkeyless or full size.

Wired vs Wireless

As mentioned above, wired connectivity has lower latency. But wireless flexibility can benefit certain setups. Choose what fits your priorities.

Switch Type

Optical switches like those on the Wooting Two HE offer minutely faster response times. But mechanical switches mimic classic keyboard feel. Pick your preference.


Look for keyboards with tilt/tenting options and wrist rests to reduce fatigue. Proper ergonomics give you stamina for long gaming sessions.

Polling Rate

Aim for a maximum polling rate of 8000Hz for optimizing latency. The Two HE can reach 8000Hz wired, 4000Hz wireless.


Customizable RGB lighting, macros and key remapping add to a keyboard’s appeal without affecting latency. Consider which extras you’ll actually use.

Weigh all of these factors, along with your budget, to select the best Wooting keyboard for your competitive gameplay needs and setup.

Optimizing Any Keyboard for Gaming

While this guide focused specifically on Wooting models, you can optimize any keyboard for lower latency. Here are some general tips:

  • Check your keyboard software settings and adjust polling rate, report rate, debounce time, and key rollover to faster speeds conducive to gaming.
  • If possible, experiment with optical switches which have slightly faster actuation than mechanical switches.
  • Choose a wired connection over wireless for eliminating wireless lag, keeping your receiver close to the keyboard.
  • Adopt proper ergonomic techniques like an adjustable keyboard tray and wrist rest to prevent fatigue-related lag.
  • Run benchmarks periodically to check your system’s total input lag over time as software and hardware changes.
  • Keep firmware updated on keyboard, computer, and other devices to ensure optimal information processing speeds.

Every bit you can shave off latency brings you closer to peak responsiveness. Test and tweak your equipment over time as new technologies arise.

Achieving a Competitive Edge

Your keyboard is your critical link to the game – ensuring the lowest possible input lag gives you an instant advantage. Now that you understand the intricacies of keyboard latency and how to test your Wooting model’s speeds accurately, you can optimize this vital piece of your setup.

Remember to consider total system latency, not just keyboard lag. Fine-tune your rig holistically to eliminate hiccups and delays at every stage from physical keypress to on-screen action.

With precise testing and the fastest keyboard technology in your hands, you’ll gain those split-second reactions that distance the pros from the rest. Take your game to the next level with a responsive, lag-free Wooting keyboard designed for competition. The difference is measurable – and the competition won’t know what hit them.

About Author

Jason Johnson

Jason is the founder and lead writer of He has over 10 years of tech industry experience and focuses on finding the best 65% keyboards for gaming. He also has a passion for productivity and ergonomics. In his spare time, he enjoys gaming and tinkering with new gadgets.

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